Source code for atesa.taskmanager

Interface for TaskManager objects. New TaskManagers can be implemented by constructing a new class that inherits from
TaskManager and implements its abstract methods.

import abc
import subprocess
import re
import time

[docs]class TaskManager(abc.ABC): """ Abstract base class for task managers. Implements methods for all of the task manager-specific tasks that ATESA might need. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def submit_batch(self, filename, settings): """ Submit a batch file to the task manager. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of batch file to submit settings : argparse.Namespace Settings namespace object Returns ------- jobid : str Identification number for this task, such that it can be cancelled by referring to this string """ pass
[docs]class AdaptSimple(TaskManager): """ Adapter class for my simple, no-frills task manager. Just interfaces directly with the batch system through the terminal. """
[docs] def submit_batch(self, filename, settings): try: # import here to avoid circular import import factory except ModuleNotFoundError: import atesa.factory as factory batchsystem = factory.batchsystem_factory(settings.batch_system) command = batchsystem.get_submit_command().replace('{file}', filename) if settings.DEBUG: command = 'echo "this is a nonsense string for testing purposes: 123456, now here are some garbage symbols: ?!@#$/\';:[]+=_-.<,>"' count = 1 max_tries = 5 output = 'first_attempt' errors = ['first_attempt', 'slurm_load_jobs', 'slurm_receive_msg', 'send/recv'] # error messages to retry on while True in [error in output for error in errors] and count <= max_tries: if not output == 'first_attempt': time.sleep(30) # wait 30 seconds before trying again count += 1 process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True, shell=True) output = # Use a regular expression to extract the jobid from this string pattern = re.compile('[0-9]+') # todo: it's not inconceivable that this should fail in some cases. Consider moving building this pattern to a method of BatchSystem. try: return re.findall(pattern, output)[0] except IndexError: # no number in the output raise RuntimeError('unable to submit batch job: ' + filename + '\nMessage from batch system: ' + output)