Getting Started with ATESA


ATESA should be installed directly on the high-performance computing (HPC) resource that you intend to use. The simplest way to do so is with pip:

pip install atesa

You may need to append the --user option depending on how your HPC resource is configured. ATESA requires Python 3, and the above pip command may fail if your active python environment defaults to Python 2.

Alternatively, you can download or clone ATESA directly from GitHub and install using the script in its root directory directly:

python install --user

If you’re using a custom python environment, remember to activate it before installing!

Once you’ve installed ATESA, you may want to head over to the Example Study page to take a look at what ATESA can do and get a feel for its basic operation.

If you want to perform umbrella sampling simulations with ATESA, you need to make sure that PLUMED is available. Versions of Amber released since 2015 have native PLUMED support, so once it has been installed (see this link for instructions), all you need to do is set the PLUMED_KERNEL environment variable to the appropriate path for, like so:

export PLUMED_KERNEL=/path/to/


ATESA is designed to dynamically handle jobs on a PBS/Torque or Slurm batch system on a high-performance computing cluster. It is invoked as:

atesa <config_file> [<working_directory>]

The config_file parameter is required and supports absolute or relative paths. The working_directory parameter is optional, but if it is provided it overrides the value in the configuration file. This option is made available for use on systems that only allocate working space for jobs after they have been initialized. For detailed documentation on the contents of the configuration file, see The Configuration File (but it’s easier to get started by modifying the examples in the Example Study).

Although ATESA can be run directly from the command line, because its process continues for the entirety of the job it is usually best to submit it as its own batch job, or to run it on an interactive resource allocation. A single core and a modest allocation of memory should be sufficient to run ATESA on most platforms (it is typically neither memory- nor processor-intensive, although many features involve a significant amount of I/O). ATESA supports multiprocessing during aimless shooting on UNIX-based systems; this may improve performance in some cases, depending on ATESA settings, simulation speed, and the batch queue. Simply allocate the desired number of cores and ATESA will use them as efficiently as it can.

Note that almost all ATESA jobs will produce a large amount of data, at least transiently. For this reason, the working directory should probably be set to a path inside the “scratch” filesystem or equivalent on your HPC cluster. If you aren’t sure what this means, consult the documentation or support staff for your specific resource.

Setting Up Simulation Files

Beyond the installation of ATESA itself and the creation of the configuration file, the only other step required before performing simulations is to provide the program with the necessary input files and batch script templates for those simulations. ATESA looks for two directories:

  • ‘input_files’, which contains input files for various types of Amber simulations; and
  • ‘templates’, which contains files formatted for use as templates, mostly batch scripts

ATESA comes packaged with examples of both of these directories, located inside the ‘atesa/data’ directory in the ATESA installation folder. The contents of these directories will be used by ATESA by default, although the user can specify other directories instead (see File Path Settings). Note that the default scripts are certainly not appropriate for any given user’s needs; they are provided as examples only. It is suggested that the user take a look at these files and the following documentation on this page before beginning to construct their own versions, in order to better understand what each file is for.

Input Files

The ‘input_files’ directory contains input files for molecular simulations. Each file should be named according to the scheme:


Each of the bracketed values should be replaced by the appropriate name. The “job_type” is identical to the chosen value of the option of the same name in the configuration file (see Core Settings). The step type is either “init” or “prod”: “prod” is used in every job type and is the primary simulation step, while “init” is used only in aimless shooting and equilibrium path sampling. Finally, “md_engine” should be the name of the simulations engine to be used (at this time, only “amber” is supported). For example, the file for the “prod” step of an “aimless_shooting” job performed with Amber would be:

Every input file must be appropriate for your specific molecular model, and also for the specific job and step types. As Amber is the only simulation software currently supported, prospective users who are not familiar with Amber are directed to the relevant tutorials. Following are details for each job type describing what each input file is used for in that job, and any necessary characteristics of that input file. This may seem daunting at first, but once you are comfortable with the basic usage of Amber it should be quite straightforward to construct input files appropriate for your model!


Aimless shooting input files for the following step types are required for jobs with job_type “aimless_shooting” or “find_ts”:

  • Aimless shooting “init” steps are extremely short simulations whose only purpose is to obtain a fresh set of initial velocities for the following “prod” step. To this end, the “init” input file should be configured to generate new initial velocities from the Boltzmann distribution (as opposed to using velocities from the input coordinate file), and to only perform a single simulation step with an extremely small time step. In Amber, the following settings should be specified in the &cntrl namelist, in addition to any other model-specific settings (“!” denotes a comment in Amber input files):

    ntx=1,          ! read coordinates but not velocities from input coordinate file
    ntxo=1,         ! ASCII-formatted restart file (required for ATESA)
    nstlim=1,       ! one simulation step total
    dt=0.00001,     ! extremely short time step (too small can cause velocity overflow errors)
    tempi=300.0,    ! or whatever temperature (same as temp0)
    temp0=300.0,    ! or whatever temperature (same as tempi)
    ig=-1           ! random initial velocities; should be default but may not be in some versions/patches of Amber
  • Aimless shooting “prod” steps are the primary simulation steps for each shooting move. They take the initial coordinates and velocities from an “init” step (with velocities reversed in the case of backward trajectories) and run until the simulation commits to one of the stable states defined in the configuration file. Therefore, the time step and number of simulation steps should be much larger than in an “init” simulation. In Amber, the following settings should be specified in the &cntrl namelist, instead of the above “init” settings and in addition to any other model-specific settings:

    ntx=5,          ! read coordinates AND velocities from input coordinate file
    ntxo=1,         ! ASCII-formatted restart file (required for ATESA)
    nstlim=5000,    ! a large maximum number of steps; will probably be terminated early
    dt=0.001,       ! or whatever desired simulation time step
    irest=1,        ! restart simulation from preceding "init" step
    temp0=300.0,    ! or whatever temperature
    ntwx=1,         ! or whatever trajectory write frequency, but not only at the end of the simulation
    ntwv=-1,        ! include velocities in trajectory files (required if the option "include_qdot" is True (which is default)


Only a “prod” committor analysis input file is required for jobs with job_type “committor_analysis”:

  • These jobs can use exactly the same settings as aimless shooting “prod” steps, except that each simulation should obtain new initial velocities, as in an aimless shooting “init” steps. In Amber, that means that these three options should be set as follows:

    ntx=1,          ! read coordinates but not velocities from input coordinate file
    tempi=300.0,    ! or whatever temperature (same as temp0)
    irest=0,        ! do not restart, use new velocities (this is the default)


Only a “prod” umbrella sampling input file is required for jobs with job_type “umbrella_sampling”:

  • By default, umbrella sampling restraints are applied using PLUMED. The umbrella sampling input file can be almost identical to a committor analysis “prod” file, with the following changes:

    nstlim=10000,   ! a "large" maximum number of steps (enough for convergent sampling, may take some trial and error)
    plumed=1,               ! enable plumed backend
    plumedfile={{ plumedfile }},            ! template slot for declaring plumed file

    ATESA will write the appropriate plumed file automatically and insert a reference to it into the input file as needed.


Equilibrium path sampling input files for the following step types are required for jobs with job_type “equilibrium_path_sampling”:

  • Equilibrium path sampling “init” steps are functionally identical to aimless shooting “init” steps and can use an identical input file.

  • Equilibrium path sampling “prod” steps are the only type of job currently supported by ATESA that does not take its input file from the “input_files” directory. Instead, the input file is constructed from the file in the “templates” directory named as:


    This input file can be functionally identical to an aimless shooting “prod” input file, with two key exceptions: the number of simulation steps must be replaced with the exact string {{ nstlim }} and the frequency of writes to the output trajectory must be replaced with the exact string {{ ntwx }}. In Amber:

    nstlim={{ nstlim }},
    ntwx={{ ntwx }},


In addition to making sure that appropriate input files for aimless shooting are available, jobs with job_type “find_ts” require their own “prod” input file:

  • This file can be mostly identical to the “aimless_shooting” prod input file, with two key additions: there must be a restraint specified using the file “find_ts_restraints.disang”, and the weight of the restraint must be set to steadily increase over time (beginning from zero). An example of a working implementation of this in Amber is as follows. Options in the &cntrl namelist that can be the same as in aimless shooting are here replaced by an elipse (…) for brevity, but they must still be explicitly specified in the input file. Other than that, it should be quite safe to copy the rest of this exactly into your Amber “find_ts” input file, or customize it as you see fit:

      nmropt=1,             ! turn on restraints


The ‘templates’ directory contains files that ATESA will automatically customize for each individual simulation. It is primarily used for templated batch scripts that will be filled using the Batch Template Settings in the configuration file, in addition to several other keywords, described below.

Batch script templates should be named according to the scheme:


Each of the bracketed values should be replaced by the appropriate name. The “md_engine” should be the name of the simulations engine to be used (at this time, only “amber” is supported). The “batch_system” should be the same as the setting picked for the option of the same name in the configuration file (either “slurm” or “pbs” are currently supported). For example, the Slurm batch template for a simulation with Amber would be named:


In general, the overwrite flag (“-O”) should always be present when using Amber with ATESA, or certain features may not work.

Template slots are delimited by double curly braces, as in “{{ example }}”. Anything not delimited in this way will be taken as literal. The user should provide batch files that will work for their particular software environment, making use of the templates wherever the batch file might differ between simulations – please refer to the ‘atesa/data/templates’ directory for examples. In addition to the relevant configuration file settings (again, see Batch Template Settings), the following keywords should be included in batch script templates for ATESA to fill out automatically. It is safe to omit any of these keywords if you are sure that a fixed value (or no value at all) is appropriate instead.

{{ name }}

The name of the batch job. This will be unique to each step of each thread.

{{ inp }}

The input file for this simulation (e.g., one of the files from the ‘input_files’ directory).

{{ out }}

The output/log file for this simulation.

{{ prmtop }}

The parameter/topology file for this simulation (the file indicated for the “topology” option in the configuration file).

{{ inpcrd }}

The initial coordinate file for this simulation.

{{ rst }}

The output coordinate file from this simulation.

{{ nc }}

The output trajectory file from this simulation.

As indicated in the preceding section, if you wish to use equilibrium path sampling, the ‘templates’ directory should also include a template file for the equilibrium path sampling “prod” step input file.