Source code for atesa.resample_and_inferr

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Helper file to call utilities.resample and then information_error.main in sequence in a single process.

import os
import pickle
from atesa import utilities
from atesa import information_error
from atesa import rc_eval
from atesa.main import Thread

[docs]def main(): # Read settings from pickle file try: settings = pickle.load(open('settings.pkl', 'rb')) except FileNotFoundError: # replace with more informative error message raise FileNotFoundError('the working directory must contain a valid settings.pkl file, which is generated ' 'automatically when running ATESA, but one was not found in the working directory: ' + os.getcwd()) # Call resample and then information_error utilities.resample(settings, partial=True) information_error.main() # If terminating based on information error, run automatically if os.path.exists('info_err.out') and len(open('info_err.out', 'r').readlines()) > 0: # Get data from info_err.out last_line = open('info_err.out', 'r').readlines()[-1].split(' ') last_value = last_line[1] last_n_data = last_line[0] if float(last_value) <= settings.information_error_threshold: # this is the criterion for termination # Extract RC from appropriate lmax output file rc = open(str(last_n_data) + '_lmax.out', 'r').readlines()[1].replace('The optimized reaction coordinate (with CVs indexed from 1) is: ', '').replace('\n','').replace(' ','') # Call rc_eval rc_eval.main(settings.working_directory, rc, 'as_decorr_' + str(last_n_data) + '.out', False)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()