Source code for atesa.mdengine

Interface for MDEngine objects. New MDEngines can be implemented by constructing a new class that inherits from MDEngine
and implements its abstract methods.

import abc
import os
import pytraj
import mdtraj
import mdtraj.formats

[docs]class MDEngine(abc.ABC): """ Abstract base class for molecular dynamics engines. Implements methods for all of the engine-specific tasks that ATESA might need. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_frame(self, trajectory, frame, settings): """ Return a new file containing just the frame'th frame of a trajectory in Amber .rst7 format Parameters ---------- trajectory : str Name of trajectory file to obtain last frame from frame : int Index of frame to return; 1-indexed, -1 gives last frame, 0 is invalid settings : argparse.Namespace Settings namespace object Returns ------- last_frame : str Name of .rst7 format coordinate file corresponding to desired frame of trajectory, if it exists; an empty string otherwise """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def write_find_ts_restraint(self, basin, inp_file): """ Return the input file for a restrained simulation that performs barrier crossing in find_ts Parameters ---------- basin : tuple Either settings.commit_fwd or settings.commit_bwd, defining the basin to restrain towards inp_file : str Name of original input file without restraint Returns ------- input_file : str Name of the simulation input file """ pass
[docs]class AdaptAmber(MDEngine): """ Adapter class for Amber MDEngine. """
[docs] def get_frame(self, trajectory, frame, settings): new_restart_name = trajectory + '_frame_' + str(frame) + '.rst7' if not os.path.exists(trajectory): return '' # since it's possible to call this before the trajectory file has been initialized if frame >= 1: shift_frame = frame - 1 # because write_traj is 0-indexed but get_frame is 1-indexed elif frame == -1: shift_frame = -1 else: raise IndexError('invalid frame index for get_frame: ' + str(frame) + ' (must be >= 1, or exactly -1)') # Check for non-zero trajectory length # try: # todo: remove, deprecated # with pytraj.utils.context.capture_stdout(): # suppress C++ errors if this file is empty # traj = pytraj.iterload(trajectory, settings.topology) # if traj.n_frames == 0: # del traj # return '' # except ValueError: # sometimes this is the result of trying to load a trajectory too early # return '' traj = mdtraj.load(trajectory, top=settings.topology) if traj.n_frames == 0: return '' try: traj[shift_frame].save_amberrst7(new_restart_name, force_overwrite=True) # pytraj.write_traj(new_restart_name, traj, format='rst7', frame_indices=[shift_frame], options='multi', overwrite=True, velocity=True) except IndexError: raise IndexError('frame index ' + str(frame) + ' is out of range for trajectory: ' + trajectory) # except ValueError: # pytraj raises a ValueError if frame index is out of range # todo: remove, deprecated # raise IndexError('frame index ' + str(frame) + ' is out of range for trajectory: ' + trajectory) # except AssertionError: # sometimes there's an assertion error when shift_frame = -1; cause unknown, but this fixes it # if shift_frame == -1: # shift_frame = traj.n_frames - 1 # try: # pytraj.write_traj(new_restart_name, traj, format='rst7', frame_indices=[shift_frame], options='multi', # overwrite=True, velocity=True) # except ValueError: # pytraj raises a ValueError if frame index is out of range # raise IndexError('frame index ' + str(frame) + ' is out of range for trajectory: ' + trajectory) # try: # os.rename(new_restart_name + '.1', new_restart_name) # except OSError: # if not os.path.exists(new_restart_name): # raise OSError('expected pytraj to write either ' + new_restart_name + ' or ' + new_restart_name + '.1, ' # 'but found neither.\nThe most likely explanation is that the ATESA process is unable to ' # 'write to the working directory (' + settings.working_directory + '). You may have run ' # 'out of storage space.') if not os.path.exists(new_restart_name): raise OSError('expected mdtraj to write ' + new_restart_name + ' but it was not found.\nThe most likely ' 'explanation is that the ATESA process is unable to write to the working directory (' + settings.working_directory + '). You may have run out of storage space.') return new_restart_name
[docs] def write_find_ts_restraint(self, basin, inp_file): # Writing an amber-style restraint file from scratch open('find_ts_restraints.disang', 'w').write('') # initialize file with open('find_ts_restraints.disang', 'a') as f: f.write('DISANG restraint file produced by ATESA with find_ts > 0 to produce transition state guesses\n') for def_index in range(len(basin[0])): extra = 0 # additional distance to add to basin definition to push *into* basin rather than to its edge if basin[3][def_index] == 'lt': extra = -0.1 * basin[2][def_index] # minus 10% # todo: this doesn't work for negative angles/dihedrals (moves them towards zero instead of "more negative"), which is fine for now since angles and dihedrals are not yet supported elif basin[3][def_index] == 'gt': extra = 0.1 * basin[2][def_index] # plus 10% else: raise RuntimeError('entries in the last list in commitment definitions (commit_fwd and commit_bwd) ' 'must be either \'lt\' (less than) or \'gt\' (greater than)') f.write(' &rst\n') f.write(' iat=' + str(basin[0][def_index]) + ',' + str(basin[1][def_index]) + ',\n') f.write(' r1=0, r2=' + str(basin[2][def_index] + extra) + \ ', r3=' + str(basin[2][def_index] + extra) + \ ', r4=' + str(basin[2][def_index] + extra + 2) + ',\n') f.write(' rk2=500, rk3=500,\n') f.write(' &end\n') return inp_file # unmodified, as find_ts_amber already includes the reference to find_ts_restraints.disang