Source code for atesa.lmax

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Likelihood maximization script. This program is designed to be entirely separable from ATESA in that it can be called
manually to perform likelihood maximization to user specifications and with arbitrary input files; however, it is
required by ATESA's aimless shooting information error convergence criterion.

import sys
import os
import numpy
import time
import math
import itertools
import argparse
import warnings
import pickle
import numdifftools
import statsmodels
from scipy import optimize
from scipy import stats
from scipy.special import erf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    import gnuplotlib
    gnuplot = True
except FileNotFoundError:   # gnuplot not installed
    gnuplot = False

[docs]def update_progress(progress, message='Progress', eta=0, quiet=False): """ Print a dynamic progress bar to stdout. Credit to Brian Khuu from stackoverflow, Parameters ---------- progress : float A number between 0 and 1 indicating the fractional completeness of the bar. A value under 0 represents a 'halt'. A value at 1 or bigger represents 100%. message : str The string to precede the progress bar (so as to indicate what is progressing) eta : int Number of seconds to display as estimated completion time (converted into HH:MM:SS) quiet : bool If True, suppresses output entirely Returns ------- None """ if quiet: return None barLength = 10 # Modify this to change the length of the progress bar status = "" if isinstance(progress, int): progress = float(progress) if not isinstance(progress, float): progress = 0 status = "error: progress var must be float\r\n" if progress < 0: progress = 0 status = "Halt...\r\n" if progress >= 1: progress = 1 status = "Done! \r\n" block = int(round(barLength * progress)) if eta: # eta is in seconds; convert into HH:MM:SS eta_h = str(math.floor(eta/3600)) eta_m = str(math.floor((eta % 3600) / 60)) eta_s = str(math.floor((eta % 3600) % 60)) + ' ' if len(eta_m) == 1: eta_m = '0' + eta_m if len(eta_s) == 2: eta_s = '0' + eta_s eta_str = eta_h + ':' + eta_m + ':' + eta_s text = "\r" + message + ": [{0}] {1}% {2}".format("#" * block + "-" * (barLength - block), round(progress * 100, 2), status) + " ETA: " + eta_str else: text = "\r" + message + ": [{0}] {1}% {2}".format("#" * block + "-" * (barLength - block), round(progress * 100, 2), status) sys.stdout.write(text) sys.stdout.flush()
[docs]def objective_function(params, A_data, B_data): """ Evaluate the negative log likelihood function for the given parameters and lists of observations. This function evaluates the goodness of fit of the given parameters and data to an error function ansatz, as described in Peters, 2012. Chem. Phys. Lett. 554: 248. Designed to be called by an optimization routine to obtain the best fitting params. Parameters ---------- params : list Parameters for the current model to be tested A_data : list List of observations from aimless shooting that committed to basin "A" (usually the reactants) B_data : list List of observations from aimless shooting that committed to basin "B" (usually the products) Returns ------- negative_log_likelihood : float The negative log likelihood of the fit to the ansatz for the given parameters and observations """ def erflike(arg): pl = numpy.ones(len(arg)) ml = numpy.negative(numpy.ones(len(arg))) return numpy.where(arg > 5.7, pl, numpy.where(arg < -5.7, ml, erf(arg))) if A_data and not B_data: qa = params[0] + numpy.inner(params[1:], A_data) sum = numpy.sum(numpy.log((1 - erflike(qa)) / 2)) elif B_data and not A_data: qb = params[0] + numpy.inner(params[1:], B_data) sum = numpy.sum(numpy.log((1 + erflike(qb)) / 2)) else: qa = params[0] + numpy.inner(params[1:], A_data) qb = params[0] + numpy.inner(params[1:], B_data) sum = numpy.sum(numpy.log((1 - erflike(qa)) / 2)) + numpy.sum(numpy.log((1 + erflike(qb)) / 2)) return -1 * sum
[docs]def two_line_test_func(results, plots, two_line_threshold=0.5): """ Perform a double linear regression on intersecting subsets of the data in results to determine whether to terminate and how many dimensions to return in the RC during two_line_test. Can only be called with len(results) >= 5. Parameters ---------- results : list List of dictionary objects indexed by step of two_line_test, each possessing attribute 'fun' giving the optimization score for that step plots : bool If True, plot lines using gnuplot two_line_threshold : float Ratio of second slope to first slope (as a fraction) below which the two-line test can pass Returns ------- out : int Index of selected 'best' RC from two-line test; or, -1 if no best RC could be determined """ if len(results) < 5: raise RuntimeError('two_line_test can only be called with at least 5 optimized models') best_closest = [] # result for which the intersection is closest to the shared point for test_index in range(len(results) - 2): # - 2 to account for minimum of two points in each line first_segment = range(1, 3 + test_index) second_segment = range(first_segment[-1], len(results) + 1) opt1 = stats.linregress(first_segment, [results[i - 1].fun for i in first_segment]) opt2 = stats.linregress(second_segment, [results[i - 1].fun for i in second_segment]) # Now evaluate closest point in results to the intersection of the two lines x_intersect = (opt1.intercept - opt2.intercept) / (opt2.slope - opt1.slope) y_intersect = (opt1.slope * x_intersect) + opt1.intercept x_val = 0 # initialize index for keeping track of x values min_diff = -1 # initialize smallest distance between intersection and point closest = 0 # initialize index of closest point to intersection for result in results: y_val = x_val += 1 y_diff = y_val - y_intersect x_diff = x_val - x_intersect diff = numpy.sqrt(y_diff**2 + x_diff**2) if min_diff < 0: min_diff = diff closest = [x_val, diff] elif diff < min_diff: min_diff = diff closest = [x_val, diff] # if the closest point to the intersection is the shared point of the lines; if closest[0] == test_index + 2: if not best_closest: # for the first time best_closest = [closest, opt1, opt2] elif closest[1] < best_closest[0][1]: # update the closest yet best_closest = [closest, opt1, opt2] if gnuplot and plots: if len(results[0].x) + 2 == len(results[1].x): # if this is True, results include rate-of-change terms min_dims = (len(results[0].x) - 1) / 2 # smallest model dimensionality to be plotted (-1 for constant) else: # no rate-of-change terms min_dims = len(results[0].x) - 1 points1 = [[i + min_dims for i in range(len(results))], [best_closest[1].slope * (i + 1) + best_closest[1].intercept for i in range(len(results))]] points2 = [[i + min_dims for i in range(len(results))], [best_closest[2].slope * (i + 1) + best_closest[2].intercept for i in range(len(results))]] gnuplotlib.plot((numpy.asarray([item + min_dims for item in range(len(results))]), numpy.asarray([ for result in results])), (numpy.asarray(points1[0]), numpy.asarray(points1[1]), {'legend': '1st slope: ' + '%.3f' % best_closest[1].slope}), (numpy.asarray(points2[0]), numpy.asarray(points2[1]), {'legend': '2nd slope: ' + '%.3f' % best_closest[2].slope}), _with='lines', terminal='dumb 80,40', unset='grid') if plots: print('Two_line_test plot data:') print(' Model scores: ' + str(numpy.asarray([ for result in results]))) print(' First line values: ' + str(points1[1])) print(' Second line values: ' + str(points2[1])) if not best_closest: # no pairs of lines whose intersection was closest to their shared point print('Two line test: found no suitable model, performing an additional optimization step and retrying') return -1 slope_fract = best_closest[2].slope / best_closest[1].slope if slope_fract > two_line_threshold: # best point does not meet threshold for relative difference in slopes print('Two line test: best model has ratio of slopes ' + str(slope_fract) + ', which does not meet threshold ' + str(two_line_threshold) + '; performing an additional optimization step and retrying') return -1 else: # DOES meet threshold; return the index of the passing result return best_closest[0][0] - 1 # - 1 because of different indexing standards
[docs]def eval_rc(params, obs): # Returns reaction coordinate value for a given set of parameters and an observation params = list(params) rc = params[0] for local_index in range(len(obs)): rc += params[local_index + 1] * obs[local_index] return rc
[docs]def main(**kwargs): """ Main runtime function of Assembles lists of models to optimize in the form of lists of CVs, passes them to optimize, interprets results, and repeats or terminates in accordance with argument-dependent termination criteria. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict Dictionary object containing arguments Returns ------- None """ # Ensure existence and validity of input file input_file = kwargs['i'][0] if not os.path.exists(input_file): raise FileNotFoundError('could not find input file: ' + input_file) input_file_lines = open(input_file, 'r').readlines() open(input_file, 'r').close() if False in [char == 'A' or char == 'B' for char in [line[0] for line in input_file_lines]]: raise RuntimeError('input file ' + input_file + ' does not have \'A\' or \'B\' as the first character in each ' 'line. Is this the correct file? Be sure to remove any blank lines.') # Bring in other arguments, just for neatness dims = kwargs['k'][0] fixed = kwargs['f'] # we actually want this one to stay a list qdot = kwargs['q'][0] running = kwargs['r'][0] output_file = kwargs['o'][0] two_line_test = kwargs['two_line_test'] plots = kwargs['plots'] quiet = kwargs['quiet'] two_line_threshold = kwargs['two_line_threshold'][0] skip = kwargs['s'] # this one also a list hist_bins = kwargs['hist_bins'][0] prefilter = kwargs['p'][0] if not fixed == [None] and running == 0 and not two_line_test and len(fixed) > dims: raise RuntimeError('value of k must be less than or equal to number of fixed (-f) dimensions.') if not fixed == [None] and not skip == [None]: if any([f in skip for f in fixed]) or any([s in fixed for s in skip]): raise RuntimeError('the same CV cannot be indicated with both the -s and -f options at the same time.') # Ignore arguments as described in documentation if running: if fixed == [None]: fixed = [] dims = running if two_line_test: if fixed == [None]: fixed = [] dims = -1 running = 0 # Load settings object from .pkl file if present, to check for information error override and max_dims information_error_max_dims = -1 if two_line_test: try: settings = pickle.load(open('settings.pkl', 'rb')) if not quiet: print('Loaded settings.pkl...') try: information_error_override = settings.information_error_override if not quiet: print('Setting information_error_override = ' + str(information_error_override)) except AttributeError: information_error_override = False if not quiet: print('information_error_override is not set; defaulting to False') try: information_error_max_dims = settings.information_error_max_dims if not quiet: print('Setting maximum number of two_line_test dimensions to: ' + str(int(information_error_max_dims))) except AttributeError: if not quiet: print('information_error_max_dims is not set; defaulting to no limit') except FileNotFoundError: pass # Get data from input file, and determine minimum and maximum values for each CV, reduce data input_data = [[float(item) for item in line.replace('A <- ', '').replace('B <- ', '').replace(' \n', '').replace('\n', '').split(' ')] for line in input_file_lines] # [[obs1cv1, obs1cv2], [obs2cv1, obs2cv2]] A_data = [[float(item) for item in line.replace('A <- ', '').replace(' \n', '').replace('\n', '').split(' ')] for line in input_file_lines if line[0] == 'A'] B_data = [[float(item) for item in line.replace('B <- ', '').replace(' \n', '').replace('\n', '').split(' ')] for line in input_file_lines if line[0] == 'B'] mapped = list(map(list, zip(*input_data))) # [[obs1cv1, obs2cv1], [obs1cv2, obs2cv2]] minmax = [[numpy.min(item) for item in mapped], [numpy.max(item) for item in mapped]] # [[mincv1, mincv2], [maxcv1, maxcv2]] N = len(input_file_lines) # number of observations NA = len(A_data) # number of observations that committed to A... NB = len(B_data) # ... and to B num_cvs = len(minmax[0]) # number of CVs recorded in each observation reduced_A = [[(A_data[jj][ii] - minmax[0][ii]) / (minmax[1][ii] - minmax[0][ii]) for ii in range(num_cvs)] for jj in range(NA)] reduced_B = [[(B_data[jj][ii] - minmax[0][ii]) / (minmax[1][ii] - minmax[0][ii]) for ii in range(num_cvs)] for jj in range(NB)] if qdot == 'present' or qdot == 'ignore': if not num_cvs % 2 == 0: raise RuntimeError('likelihood maximization was attempted with input file: ' + input_file + ' and ' 'include_qdot (q) = True, but this input file has an odd number of entries per line. Are' ' you sure it includes rate-of-change data?') num_cvs = int(num_cvs / 2) # Prepare for and then enter optimization loop termination = False # initialize primary termination criterion flag termination_2 = False # additional termination flag for use with qdot = 'present', to perform final optimization reached_maximum = False # indicates whether the maximum number of allowed dimensions has been reached by two_line_test two_line_result = -1 # initialize current model dimensionality for two_line_test cv_combs = [[]] # initialize list of CV combinations to iterate through results = [] # initialize for two_line_test prefiltered = [] # initialize results list for prefiltering while not termination and len(cv_combs[0]) <= N: # Initialize current best result current_best = [argparse.Namespace(), [0], [], []] current_best[0].fun = math.inf # Assemble list of RCs to optimize if prefilter < 1: cv_combs = [[item] for item in range(1, num_cvs + 1)] elif not fixed == [None] and len(fixed) == dims: cv_combs = [fixed] elif running or two_line_test: cv_combs = [fixed + [new] for new in range(1, num_cvs + 1) if (not new in fixed) and (not new in skip)] else: cv_combs = [comb for comb in itertools.combinations(range(1, num_cvs + 1), dims) if (fixed == [None] or set(fixed).issubset(comb)) and (skip == [None] or not any([skipped in comb for skipped in skip]))] if qdot == 'present' and not termination_2: cv_combs_temp = cv_combs cv_combs = [] for comb in cv_combs_temp: cv_combs.append([]) for item in comb: cv_combs[-1].append(item) cv_combs[-1].append(item + num_cvs) # Perform optimization start_params = [0 for null in range(len(cv_combs[0]) + 1)] # + 1 for constant term count = 0 count_to = len(cv_combs) update_progress(0, 'Optimizing ' + str(count_to) + ' combination(s) of CVs', quiet=quiet) speed_data = [0,0] for comb in cv_combs: t = time.time() this_A = [] this_B = [] for index in comb: # produce k-by-len(A_data) matrices (list of lists) for the selected CVs try: this_A.append([obs[index - 1] for obs in reduced_A]) except TypeError: print(comb) print(index) raise RuntimeError('user-defined') this_B.append([obs[index - 1] for obs in reduced_B]) this_A = list(map(list, zip(*this_A))) # transpose the matrices to get desired format this_B = list(map(list, zip(*this_B))) this_result = optimize.minimize(objective_function, numpy.asarray(start_params), (this_A, this_B), method='BFGS', options={"disp": False, "maxiter": 20000 * (len(comb) + 1)}) # try SR1? if prefilter < 1: prefiltered.append([, comb[0]]) # append only comb[0] to ignore qdot terms elif < current_best[0].fun: current_best = [this_result, comb, this_A, this_B] this_speed = time.time() - t speed_data = [(speed_data[1] * speed_data[0] + this_speed) / (speed_data[1] + 1), speed_data[1] + 1] count += 1 eta = (count_to - count) * speed_data[0] update_progress(count / count_to, 'Optimizing ' + str(count_to) + ' combination(s) of CVs', eta, quiet=quiet) # If prefiltering, set 'skip' and step back out to while loop if prefilter < 1: prefiltered = sorted(prefiltered, key=lambda x: x[0]) # sort by ascending log likelihood skip = [] skip += [entry[1] for entry in prefiltered[int(len(prefiltered) * prefilter):]] for fix in fixed: # add fixed dimensions back in after prefiltering if fix in skip: skip.remove(fix) prefilter = 1 # so we don't prefilter again continue # go back to the start of the while loop # Update fixed and results parameters as needed if two_line_test: results.append(current_best) if running or two_line_test: fixed = current_best[1] if qdot == 'present': for item in fixed: if item > num_cvs: # remove qdot terms from fixed fixed.remove(item) # Check termination criteria if not running and not two_line_test: termination = True elif running and not two_line_test: if int(len(current_best[1])) == running: termination = True elif two_line_test and not termination_2: if len(results) >= 5: # can only confidently check for convergence with at least 5 points two_line_result = two_line_test_func([result[0] for result in results], plots, two_line_threshold) if two_line_result >= 0: termination = True current_best = results[two_line_result] if two_line_test and len(cv_combs[0]) == information_error_max_dims and not termination_2: termination = True reached_maximum = True current_best = results[-1] if termination_2: termination = True if qdot == 'present' and termination and not termination_2: termination = False termination_2 = True fixed = current_best[1] for item in fixed: if item > num_cvs: # remove qdot terms from fixed fixed.remove(item) dims = len(fixed) if two_line_test and (two_line_result < 0 and not reached_maximum): # ran out of CVs to append and two_line_test never passed err = RuntimeError('The two_line_test termination criterion was never satisfied even after including every ' 'candidate CV in the model reaction coordinate.\nThis almost certainly indicates that either' ' one or more key CVs are absent from the aimless shooting output file supplied, or that not' ' enough unimportant CVs were included to give context to the important ones. Either way you' ' should add more CVs to the list.\nThis error can by bypassed by running in a ' 'directory containing a settings.pkl file with the line "information_error_override = True" ' '(without quotes). If you did supply this setting, then you are seeing this message because ' 'the settings.pkl file could not be found.') try: if information_error_override: pass else: raise err except NameError: raise err # Calculate hess and jaco using the model in current_best (current_best[2] and [3] are corresponding this_A and this_B) l_objective_function = lambda x: objective_function(x, current_best[2], current_best[3]) hess = numdifftools.Hessian(l_objective_function)(current_best[0].x) # jaco has to be a sum of the jacobian transpose times the jacobian over each individual observation in the data if not quiet: count = 0 update_progress(0, 'Calculating mean information error') total_len = len(current_best[2]) + len(current_best[3]) jaco = 0 for this_A in current_best[2]: l_objective_function = lambda x: objective_function(x, [this_A], []) this_jaco = numdifftools.Jacobian(l_objective_function)(current_best[0].x) jaco += numpy.matmul(numpy.transpose(this_jaco), this_jaco) if not quiet: count += 1 update_progress(count/total_len, 'Calculating mean information error') for this_B in current_best[3]: l_objective_function = lambda x: objective_function(x, [], [this_B]) this_jaco = numdifftools.Jacobian(l_objective_function)(current_best[0].x) jaco += numpy.matmul(numpy.transpose(this_jaco), this_jaco) if not quiet: count += 1 update_progress(count/total_len, 'Calculating mean information error') V = numpy.matmul(numpy.matmul(numpy.linalg.inv(numpy.negative(hess)), jaco), numpy.linalg.inv(numpy.negative(hess))) # Godambe Information weights = [0] + [1 / (len(V[0]) - 1) for null in range(len(V[0]) - 1)] # weights for mean excluding constant term mean_std = numpy.inner(weights, [numpy.sqrt(item) for item in numpy.diag(V)]) # mean of estimated standard errors # Return output in desired format rc_string = str('%.3f' % current_best[0].x[0]) + ' + ' + ' + '.join(['%.3f' % current_best[0].x[i+1] + '*CV' + str(current_best[1][i]) for i in range(len(current_best[1]))]) output_string = 'Likelihood maximization complete!\n' \ 'The optimized reaction coordinate (with CVs indexed from 1) is: ' + rc_string + '\n' \ 'The negative log likelihood of this model is: ' + '%.3f' % current_best[0].fun + '\n' \ 'The mean information error for this model is: ' + '%.3f' % mean_std if output_file: open(output_file, 'w').write(output_string) else: print(output_string) if plots: A_results = [] for obs in current_best[2]: # iterate over A observations A_results.append(eval_rc(current_best[0].x, obs)) B_results = [] for obs in current_best[3]: # iterate over B observations B_results.append(eval_rc(current_best[0].x, obs)) hist_result = numpy.histogram(A_results + B_results, hist_bins) # this step just to bin, not the final histogram rc_values = [] # initialize results list probs = [] # initialize results list for bin_index in range(len(hist_result[0])): A_count = 0 B_count = 0 for result in A_results: if hist_result[1][bin_index] <= result < hist_result[1][bin_index + 1]: A_count += 1 for result in B_results: if hist_result[1][bin_index] <= result < hist_result[1][bin_index + 1]: B_count += 1 if A_count or B_count: # if there is data in this bin count_ratio = B_count / (A_count + B_count) else: count_ratio = 0 warnings.warn('One or more histogram bins is empty and is being reported errantly as having a committor' ' probability of zero. This indicates either insufficient data in the input file, too ' 'many histogram bins (the default is 10), or that a CV included in the final RC takes on ' 'discrete values instead of continuous ones (which is usually inappropriate for lmax).') rc_values.append(numpy.mean([hist_result[1][bin_index + 1], hist_result[1][bin_index]])) probs.append(count_ratio) fig = plt.figure() # initialize matplotlib figure ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # add axes to the figure plt.ylabel('Probability of Commitment to Forward Basin', weight='bold') plt.xlabel('Reaction Coordinate', weight='bold'), probs, width=0.9*(rc_values[1] - rc_values[0]), color='#00274C') ax.plot(rc_values, (1 + erf(numpy.array([value for value in rc_values])))/2, color='#FFCB05', linewidth=3) ax.legend(['Ideal', 'Observed']) print('Committor sigmoid histogram data:') print(' RC values: ' + str(rc_values)) print(' Observed probabilities of commitment to the forward basin: ' + str(probs)) print(' Ideal committor sigmoid: ' + str(list((1 + erf(numpy.array([value for value in rc_values])))/2))) fig.canvas.draw()
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Perform LMAX on the given input data') parser.add_argument('-i', metavar='input_file', type=str, nargs=1, default=['as_decorr.out'], help='Input filename (output from aimless shooting). Default=as_decorr.out') parser.add_argument('-k', metavar='dimensionality', type=int, nargs=1, default=[1], help='Number of CVs to include in RC. Default=1') parser.add_argument('-f', metavar='fixed', type=int, nargs='*', default=[None], help='CVs to require inside the RC. Default=none') parser.add_argument('-s', metavar='skip', type=int, nargs='*', default=[None], help='CVs to skip (not consider in RC). Default=none') parser.add_argument('-q', metavar='include_qdot', type=str, nargs=1, default=['present'], help='Valid options are: "present", "absent", and "ignore" (quotes excluded). If "present" or ' '"ignore", the input file is assumed to include rate-of-change ("q") data for each CV ' '(formatted as in e.g., "A <- CV0 CV1 q0 q1"); in the former case, q terms will be used to' 'select the RC (but will not appear in the final RC), implementing inertial likelihood ' 'maximization. In the latter, rate of change terms are not used. Finally, if "absent", the' ' q data will be assumed not to be present in the input file at all. Default=present') parser.add_argument('-r', metavar='running', type=int, nargs=1, default=[0], help='If > 0, runs from k = 1 to "running" using the previously obtained k - 1 results as the ' 'argument for f, ignoring the arguments passed for k and f. Default=0') parser.add_argument('-p', metavar='prefilter', type=float, nargs=1, default=[1], help='A number between 0 and 1. If < 1, every one-term RC is tested before anything else and ' 'then only the top \'prefilter\' fraction of CVs are considered moving forward. Default=1') parser.add_argument('-o', metavar='output_file', type=str, nargs=1, default=[''], help='Prints output to a new file whose name is given with this argument, instead of directly ' 'to the terminal. The file will be overwritten if it exists. Default=none') parser.add_argument('--quiet', action='store_true', help='If this option is given, progress messages outputted to the terminal are suppressed and ' 'only the final result is written (either to the terminal or the output file.)') parser.add_argument('--two_line_test', action='store_true', default=False, help='If this option is given, arguments passed for k, f, and r are ignored, and the RC is ' 'chosen based on the two-line method (see documentation).') parser.add_argument('--plots', action='store_true', default=False, help='If True, plots the final fit between the model and data committor sigmoid. ' 'If this option is given alongside two_line_test, gnuplot will be used to write plots to ' 'the terminal during evaluations of the two_line_test termination criterion (if it is ' 'installed). The sigmoid data is also printed to the terminal or output file.') parser.add_argument('--two_line_threshold', metavar='two_line_threshold', type=float, nargs=1, default=[0.5], help='If this option is given alongside two_line_test, sets the maximum ratio of slopes in the' 'two-line test. See the documentation for two_line_test for details. Default=0.5') parser.add_argument('--hist_bins', metavar='hist_bins', type=int, nargs=1, default=[10], help='If this option is given alongside plots, sets the number of reaction coordinate bins for' 'the sigmoid committor histogram. Production of the histogram will fail if any of the ' 'bins have zero samples in them, which is more likely for larger values of hist_bins. ' 'Default = 10') arguments = vars(parser.parse_args()) # Retrieves arguments as a dictionary object # Suppress numpy.log and numdifftools/ warnings that occur frequently during normal operation warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning, message='invalid value encountered in less') warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning, message='invalid value encountered in greater') warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning, message='divide by zero encountered in log') warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning, message='invalid value encountered in double_scalars') warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning, message='invalid value encountered in subtract') warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning, message='divide by zero encountered in double_scalars') main(**arguments)