Source code for atesa.configure

Takes user input file and returns settings namespace object

import argparse
import pytraj       # to support pytraj calls in input file
import mdtraj       # to support mdtraj calls in the input file
import numpy        # to support numpy  calls in input file
import numpy as np  # to support numpy  calls even if called as np
import sys
import os
import shutil
import pickle
import django.template as template
import typing
import pydantic
from atesa import auto_cvs
from django.conf import settings as django_settings

[docs]def configure(input_file, user_working_directory=''): """ Configure the settings namespace based on the config file. Parameters ---------- input_file : str Name of the configuration file to read user_working_directory : str User override for working directory (overrides value in input_file), ignored if set to '' Returns ------- settings : argparse.Namespace Settings namespace object """ class Settings(pydantic.BaseModel): # This class initializes the settings object with type hints. After being built, it gets exported as an # argparse.Namelist object, just for convenience. # Core settings required for all jobs job_type: str batch_system: str restart: bool md_engine: str = 'amber' task_manager: str = 'simple' topology: str working_directory: str overwrite: bool # Batch template settings init_nodes: int = 1 init_ppn: int = 1 init_mem: str = '4000mb' init_walltime: str = '00:30:00' init_solver: str = 'sander' init_extra: str = '' prod_nodes: int = 1 prod_ppn: int = 8 prod_mem: str = '4000mb' prod_walltime: str = '02:00:00' prod_solver: str = 'sander' prod_extra: str = '' # File path settings (required for all jobs, but do have sensible defaults) path_to_input_files: str = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/data/input_files' path_to_templates: str = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/data/templates' # CV options; required only for aimless shooting, equilibrium path sampling, and committor analysis cvs: typing.List[str] = [''] auto_cvs_radius: float = 5 auto_cvs_exclude_water: bool = True auto_cvs_exclude_hydrogen: bool = True auto_cvs_type: str = 'mdtraj' # pytraj or mdtraj used in auto_cvs include_qdot: bool = True as_settings_file: str = '' # Required only for aimless shooting and equilibrium path sampling initial_coordinates: typing.List[str] = [''] # Required only for aimless shooting and committor analysis commit_fwd: typing.Tuple[typing.List[int], typing.List[int], typing.List[float], typing.List[str]] = ([-1], [-1], [-1], ['unset']) commit_bwd: typing.Tuple[typing.List[int], typing.List[int], typing.List[float], typing.List[str]] = ([-1], [-1], [-1], ['unset']) # Required only for committor analysis, umbrella sampling, and equilibrium path sampling rc_definition: str = '' as_out_file: str = 'as_raw.out' rc_reduced_cvs: bool = True # Required only for aimless shooting min_dt: int = 1 max_dt: int = 10 always_new: bool = True full_cvs: bool = False only_full_cvs: bool = False degeneracy: int = 1 cleanup: bool = True # todo: implement asking the user what they want this to be at install time; OR make it a required option (no default); OR add a warning when it's set to False about what that entails for resampling # todo: make a script that implements cleanup and that can be called separately so users can cleanup manually whenever desired information_error_checking: bool = True information_error_threshold: float = 0.1 information_error_freq: int = 250 information_error_override: bool = False information_error_max_dims: int = 6 information_error_lmax_string = '--two_line_test' max_moves: int = -1 # also used by find_ts max_consecutive_fails: int = 10 sigfigs: int = 3 # Required only for committor analysis committor_analysis_n: int = 10 committor_analysis_use_rc_out: bool = False path_to_rc_out: str = sys.path[0] + '/atesa/tests/test_data/rc.out' rc_threshold: float = 0.05 transmission_coefficient: int = 1 # Required only for equilibrium path sampling eps_rc_min: float = -12 eps_rc_max: float = 12 eps_rc_step: float = 1 eps_rc_overlap: float = 0.1 eps_n_steps: int = 6 eps_out_freq: int = 1 eps_dynamic_seed: typing.Union[int, list] = 20 # int or list (int -> [int for window in eps_windows]; 0 or empty list turns off) samples_per_window: int = -1 # Required only for umbrella sampling us_implementation: str = 'plumed' us_rc_min: float = -12 us_rc_max: float = 12 us_rc_step: float = 0.25 us_restraint: float = 50 us_degeneracy: int = 5 us_auto_coords_directory: str = '' us_pathway_restraints_file: str = '' # Resampling resample: bool = False # Required only if restart = True restart_terminated_threads: bool = False # Not expected to be set by user DEBUG: bool = False # True causes some functions to return dummy values for testing purposes pid: int = -1 # process ID of information_error call used in aimless shooting information_error_overdue: bool = False # used for handling information_error calls cleanly dont_dump: bool = False # when True, prevents dumping settings to settings.pkl suppress_us_warning = False # used to prevent repeatedly issuing the same warning during some US runs previous_cvs = '' # for checking whether a full resample is required when restarting based on a change in cvs previous_information_error_max_dims = -1 # for checking whether a full resample is required when restarting based on a change in information_error_max_dims previous_information_error_lmax_string = '--two_line_test' # for checking whether a full resample is required when restarting based on a change in information_error_lmax_string # Import config file line-by-line using exec() try: lines = open(input_file, 'r').readlines() except FileNotFoundError: try: lines = open('atesa/' + input_file, 'r').readlines() # for testing except: lines = open(input_file, 'r').readlines() # to reproduce original error line_index = 0 for line in lines: # each line in the input file is just python code setting a variable; line_index += 1 try: exec(line) # this means that comments are supported using '#' and whitespace is ignored. except Exception as e: raise ValueError('error raised while reading line ' + str(int(line_index)) + ' of configuration file ' + input_file + ': ' + str(e)) # Define settings namespace to store all these variables config_dict = {} config_dict.update(locals()) settings = argparse.Namespace() settings.__dict__.update(Settings(**config_dict)) # Override working directory if provided with user_working_directory if user_working_directory: settings.working_directory = user_working_directory # Format directories properly (no trailing '/') if settings.working_directory[-1] == '/': settings.working_directory = settings.working_directory[:-1] if settings.path_to_input_files[-1] == '/': settings.path_to_input_files = settings.path_to_input_files[:-1] if settings.path_to_templates[-1] == '/': settings.path_to_templates = settings.path_to_templates[:-1] if settings.path_to_rc_out[-1] == '/': settings.path_to_rc_out = settings.path_to_rc_out[:-1] try: if settings.us_auto_coords_directory[-1] == '/': settings.us_auto_coords_directory = settings.us_auto_coords_directory[:-1] except IndexError: # no directory given, not a problem pass # Certain functions need working_directory to be an absolute path, so we'll prepend the current path if necessary if not settings.working_directory[0] == '/': settings.working_directory = os.getcwd() + '/' + settings.working_directory # Set Django template environment if os.path.exists(settings.path_to_templates): settings.env = template.Engine(dirs=[settings.path_to_templates]) if not django_settings.configured: # need to configure just once django_settings.configure() else: sys.exit('Error: could not locate templates folder: ' + settings.path_to_templates) # Initialize EPS settings based on contents of config file if settings.job_type == 'equilibrium_path_sampling': eps_lower_boundaries = numpy.arange(settings.eps_rc_min, settings.eps_rc_max, settings.eps_rc_step) settings.eps_bounds = [] for lower_bound in eps_lower_boundaries: settings.eps_bounds.append([lower_bound - settings.eps_rc_overlap, lower_bound + settings.eps_rc_step + settings.eps_rc_overlap]) if settings.eps_dynamic_seed: if isinstance(settings.eps_dynamic_seed, int): settings.eps_dynamic_seed = [settings.eps_dynamic_seed for null in settings.eps_bounds] settings.eps_empty_windows = settings.eps_dynamic_seed # Obtain cvs and commitment definitions from an existing settings file or call auto_cvs as needed if settings.as_settings_file: try: as_settings = pickle.load(open(settings.as_settings_file, 'rb')) except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError('could not find as_settings_file: ' + settings.as_settings_file) except pickle.UnpicklingError: raise RuntimeError('provided as_settings_file: ' + settings.as_settings_file + ' could not be loaded as a ' 'pickle file. Are you sure this is the correct file?') settings.cvs = as_settings.cvs settings.commit_fwd = as_settings.commit_fwd settings.commit_bwd = as_settings.commit_bwd settings.include_qdot = as_settings.include_qdot elif settings.auto_cvs_radius > 0 and not settings.job_type == 'find_ts': settings.cvs = auto_cvs.main(settings=settings) return settings
if __name__ == "__main__": configure('','')